Acabo de ler um artigo bastante interessante de Darren Waters, do blog, da BBC. Ele aborda em
Going live from mobile uma tecnologia desenvolvida pela empresa do Vale do Silício
Qik que permite a transmissão em streaming (tempo real) a partir de um celular. Para isto o próprio Darren Waters testa sua funcionalidade numa entrevista ao vivo com um dos diretores da empresa (
veja o vídeo). O artigo apresenta algumas observações e questões pertinentes em torno dos telefones celulares e sua transformação em dispositivos multimídias. Em específico para esta ferramenta da Qik demonstra-se a potencialidade para uso por blogueiros, jornalistas cidadãos e profissionais do mainstream media. Leia alguns trechos do artigo:
"Mobile phones are transforming into multimedia devices. From photos to GPS and video phones are being put to extreme challenges. One Silicon Valley based firm,, has developed a tool which turns your phone into a live broadcasting system.
You can embed your Qik "channel" on pretty much any website and people can watch your exploits live, leave comments, or watch the video back later as it sits on Qik's servers.
Qik is a great example of how mobile phones are taking full advantage of technologies which are collapsing into one device - multimedia capabilities, messaging, always on connections and the robustness of the phone's operating system.
The great strength of mobile handsets is that they transcend space and time. Video can be recorded and then played back on the net, via sites like YouTube, whenever we want.
Do we want our lives to be actually "live"? Ramu Sunkara believes we do.
I think Qik offers great potential for bloggers, citizen journalists and potentially professional broadcasters.
My one question that keeps nagging at the back of mind though is - does the mainstream want to broadcast live from a phone? What do you think?"